We’ll say it – menopause isn’t exactly a walk in the park, which is why Equate Weight Management Menopause Support was created. The specialized ingredients provide menopause relief, helping to reduce some of the most common symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats, while simultaneously assisting with weight management.* Equate Weight Management Menopause Support contains no drugs or animal-derived estrogen, only effective ingredients such as Black Cohosh and Soy Isoflavones to help with hot flashes and night sweats.* Get some relief from your symptoms of menopause the natural way with Equate Weight Management Menopause Support.

What are the signs of menopause?
While menopause is a natural biological process, we know every woman is unique and may experience it differently. Many women experience signs for months, or even years, leading up to menopause. The most common signs include:

  • Difficulty managing weight
  • Night sweats
  • Irregular cycles
  • Hot flashes
  • Increased stress
  • Mood swings
  • Inability to sleep through the night

Menopause does not happen overnight, but rather can be a slow and gradual process. The average age for a woman transitioning into menopause is her early 50s, but menopause may occur as early as a woman’s 30s or as late as her 60s. Unfortunately, you never know when exactly you will enter into this season of life, which is why it is important to be aware of the signs. By recognizing menopause and acknowledging its presence early on, arming yourself with a menopause relief supplement can assist you daily during this transitional period.

Why is weight management during menopause important?
Perhaps you’re noticing weight management is not quite as easy as it used to be. Menopause and weight gain do not always go hand in hand, but unfortunately the risk of weight gain can increase with menopause. Lower levels of estrogen may also lower a woman’s metabolic rate. This is the rate at which your body converts stored energy into working energy. When estrogen is lacking, it may also cause the body to increase abdominal fat storage. A lower metabolic rate plus increased fat storage can lead to difficulty with weight management, whether you are trying to maintain your current weight or lose weight.

What are the uses and benefits of Equate Weight Management Menopause Support Supplement?
This supplement is designed specifically for the woman who is entering the body’s transitional stage during menopause. It can assist in alleviating common symptoms of menopause and support healthy weight management.* The Equate Menopause Support Supplement contains key ingredients that help address menopause symptoms including Black Cohosh, plus Soy Isoflavones to help reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes and night sweats* as well as the botanical Cissus quadrangularis to balance declining serotonin levels and safely help weight management. It is recommended to take this menopause relief supplement daily to also help manage mood.* For best results, daily use for a minimum of 60 days is recommended.

  • Easy to swallow daily menopause relief supplement
  • Powerful 2-in-1 product for menopause support and weight management*
  • Black Cohosh, plus Soy Isoflavones to help reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes and night sweats*
  • Cissus quadrangularis botanical to balance declining serotonin levels and safely help weight management.*
  • Contains no drugs or estrogen, or any synthetic or animal-derived hormones.


Health Concern: Women’s Health Menopause Support

Skin Care Concern: Vegetarians-NO,Vegans-NO,
